Things I Can't Live Without


For me, writing is one of the most effective ways to record my thoughts. I can take the mumble jumble of ideas in my head and place them on paper, then I can organize them, and craft and refine each word until I reach clarity. 

[Model Making]

I love the process of making models. I enjoy forming materials, cutting, gluing, and assembling them. I can stare at the objects I make, move them around, photograph them, manipulate them. I  can take what I learned from the process of making and reflect my findings back into my design. There is something special about experiencing with your hands. 


Watercolors are so flexible. You can draw underneath them or over them. You can put down colors, dab your brush in the water and change their shade. You can blend the colors together with the water. You can add color on color to change the tone of  things. You can wet a cloth and wipe off a new brushstroke if it is not exactly what you want. In the end you can trace every step back to the first. It tells the story of its' creation.